Industry Articles
Flooring for Dog Daycare Rooms – Pawsibly the Most Difficult Decision
Whether building new, renovating an existing facility, or remodeling your current building, choosing the right flooring for your indoor areas can be an overwhelming task. With so many products available, how do you decide?Flooring Characteristics First, consider the...
S.M.A.R.T Floor
In a previous article we discussed the five key attributes of your D.R.E.A.M. floor. (D)urability, (R)eturn on investment, (E)nvironmentally friendly, (A)esthetics, and (M)aintenance. Concluded from this, the floor option that best met all five of these attributes was...
The Five Keys to Realizing Your D.R.E.A.M Floor
As I travel the nation and talk with various animal care facility owners and staff, flooring is always a very hot topic. Whether it is deciding “what is the right kind of flooring to install in my new facility,” “what is the best floor option for my renovation,” or...
Design, Construction and Flooring Webinar by Terwisscha Construction Inc

Animal Care Flooring & Install
Turn-key installation of our specialty coatings designed specifically for the animal care industry.